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What is an Ampersand? Meaning, History, Examples, and Uses

Learn about the ampersand (&), its meaning, fascinating history, examples, and practical uses in writing. Discover how this unique symbol enhances your text.

Farzana Zannat Mou

Zannat Mou

Last updated on Jul 7th, 2024

What is an Ampersand

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An ampersand (&) is a form of punctuation that is traditionally used as a substitute for the word “and.” The symbol, which originates from the Latin word et, “and,”  has been in use for almost 2,000 years. It can be used in formal writing and corporate names, as well as with typefaces and alphabets, to give your work an artistic edge. To get this right, use it where appropriate and become consistent in its application. 

Let’s start by defining an ampersand before going into more detail about how you can use it properly.

Meaning of Ampersand

The ampersand (&) is a logogram representing the word “and.” Derived from the Old Roman cursive, the ampersand became a part of the written language through the interpretation of the Latin word “et,”  meaning “and.” Although it was at times spelled out in scripts, its current design, based on a ligature of ‘e’ and ‘t,’ which translates to Latin et, came to represent conjunction and an expression of unity. 

Appealing in shape as well as function, the ampersand has been adapted across typography not only because it provides an elegant abbreviation but also due to its attractive form. It achieves optional status as a ligature by combining two letters into one single symbol. As such, it appears in company names (Johnson & Johnson), titles (Procter & Gamble’s Moon & Stars line), and informal writing everywhere.

The Origin and History of the Ampersand

The ampersand (&) is an incredibly old symbol that has quite a fascinating history. The shape of the symbol predates the word “ampersand” by more than 1,500 years. In the first century, Roman scribes wrote in cursive, so when they wrote the Latin word et, which means “and,” they linked the e and t. Over time, the combined letters came to signify the word “and” in English as well.

The Ampersand enjoyed quite a bit of freedom during the Middle Ages. Because writing styles were different from region to region, the sign took many forms in medieval scripts. The Carolingian minuscule script was developed under Charlemagne in the 8th and 9th centuries, an act that greatly helped standardize writing across Europe. But still, you see examples of the ampersand wandering free in manuscripts from this time.

The name of the “ampersand” symbol has an interesting etymology. It can be traced back to the phrase “and per se and,” meaning “and [the symbol which] by itself [is] and.” This was a favorite phrase when learning the alphabet in the 19th century when it was often said after reciting ‘x, y, z, and per se’. The ampersand was at times considered the 27th letter of the alphabet. As ‘and per se’ was difficult to say quickly, it slurred into ‘ampersand’, hence “ampers-and”. 

The appearance of ampersands also became more varied following the advent of printing in the 15th century. Printers and type designers began creating different symbols to fit with their styles of typefaces, leading to many different forms for the same function. Ampersands came in an increasingly wide range, from highly decorative versions to plainer ones where practical considerations led to design.

Today, ampersand is still powerful, and it also has a wide range of uses. People have applied it to various fields, such as branding and logos, literary work, digital communication, etc. Therefore, designers find this symbol quite interesting in terms of aesthetics. 

The ampersand also holds a special place in programming and digital typography. In many programming languages, the ampersand is used as a logical operator or a way to represent certain functions. In web development, the HTML code “&” is used to display the ampersand symbol, ensuring that it is correctly rendered on web pages.

Overall, the history of ampersand’s[1] journey from an ancient Roman ligature to a modern typographic symbol highlights its enduring utility and adaptability in written communication.

Ampersand in Different Languages

The ampersand is a logogram representing the word “and.” It originated as a ligature of the letters et, which is Latin for “and.” Despite its status as an English word, it also appears in other languages.  

1. Latin and Romance Languages

In Latin, the ampersand came from the ligature of “et.” Romance languages derived from Latin continued this practice. In languages like Italian, French, and Spanish, an ampersand is used in almost the same way as in informal English writing, brand names, and situations where space is limited. 

French: used in company names (e.g., Pâtisserie & Chocolat).

Italian: used in informal names (e.g., “Mamma & Papà”).

Spanish: seen in commercial names and logos (e.g., “Taco & Tequila”).

2. Germanic Languages

In addition to the ampersand, which is however very common in business names and certain abbreviations, For example, Siemens & Halske.

3. Scandinavian Languages

In Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish, the ampersand is used much like in English, i.e., in company names, some more informal texts, and some abbreviations, but the regular “and” conjunction is more common in standard text.

4. Slavic Languages

In languages like Russian, the ampersand is less common in everyday usage. The Cyrillic equivalent of “and” (и) is more typical. However, the ampersand may appear in branding or when referencing Western products and names.

5. East Asian Languages 

In languages like Chinese and Japanese, the ampersand isn’t part of the writing system. It is occasionally used in modern contexts, particularly where English is being invoked, such as with branding. For example, you might see it in a company name or title that mixes English and Japanese, as in “Tokyo & Co.”

In other languages, like Arabic and Hebrew, the ampersand isn’t very widely used either. These languages have very different-looking scripts from English and already have their ways of representing conjunctions, so a back-to-front ‘E’ would make absolutely no sense. That being said, with increased globalization and widespread use of English in international business, places where you can see an ampersand in these languages these days are generally modern contexts such as branding or international trade.

The Evolution of the Ampersand in Typography

The ampersand (&) is a logogram representing the word “and.” The symbol is a combination (ligature) of the letters in the word (Latin et al.). The origin of the word comes from the 1st century AD in Old Roman cursive script and evolved from the Latin word “et,” meaning “and.” In this picture, you can see how ‘E’ and ‘T’ are combined to make one character. By the 4th century AD, it was part of the formal writing of Latin texts in Rome.

Medieval Manuscripts

In the days of the manual script, particularly in the Middle Ages, as many as 12 forms of the ampersand were used. The scribes simply adopted this symbol and then elaborated it with skill and artistry ever after. 

It became a favorite for paper manuscripts since it is neat, takes up little room on the page, and also enables a swift and efficient writing style to be employed by scribes.

The Ampersand takes different forms for scribes in different regions. The existing variations that can still be seen today are still influenced by these regional differences in penmanship from times past!

Printing Press Era

The invention of the printing press in the 15th century by Johannes Gutenberg was a big turning point in the life of ampersand. As typefaces were standardized, so too was the ampersand. Early type foundries such as Aldus Manutius of Venice included the ampersand in their type designs and marked it with their specific style. The early printed ampersands were often quite elaborate and decorative, reflecting the artistic trends of the Renaissance.

Modern Typography

In the 20th century, digitization of type led to still more experimentation with the ampersand. It became an even more decorative piece whose shaping was largely a matter of choice for the type designer and is now often very different from one face to the next to remain relatively unique within whatever font family it’s a part of. Indeed, some are so non-traditional relative to historical forms that you wouldn’t know they represent them altogether.

The Digital Age and Beyond

In the digital age, the ampersand has not lost its charm. It is still used in web typography and digital design to add a unique element. The character no longer serves a functional purpose, but it also lets you bring style and personality to your publicizing projects. Maybe that’s why we often see it as part of logos, branding projects, and other design works as well.

Common Uses of Ampersand

The symbol “&” is being used in the following five principal contexts for many reasons:

1. In abbreviations and company names

Another regular use of the ampersand is in abbreviations and company names. It often replaces the word “and” to create more concise as well as recognizable identities. For example, AT&T comes from American Telephone and Telegraph Company; an ampersand allows companies like this to simplify their name on logos and branding. Similarly, in titles for things like R&D (meaning research and development), an ampersand quickly signifies a sense of collaboration and unity between the two subjects. 

2. Titles and collaborative works

In titles and collaborative works, an ampersand signifies a partnership or a joint effort. For example, when you see the musical duo “Simon & Garfunkel,”  that means both Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel are working together. The same goes for law firms, which name themselves “Smith & Jones” to indicate the partnership between two lawyers. 

3. Typography and Design

The ampersand is loved by typography and graphic design for its good looks as it adds style to logos, posters, and other visual media. Its fancy shape helps create visually interesting designs that are still perfectly readable. In the world of typefaces, different fonts have their creative spin on the symbol, adding various serifs and decorations, meaning that many different styles are available.

4. Informal Writing and Communication

In informal writing skills and digital communication, the ampersand is often used for the sake of brevity or to conform with widely recognized shorthand terms. It is found in notes between friends, formal invitations from businesses or social organizations, emails with business partners, text messages to clients about a product abbreviated on a price list (with an address given), etc., where space (an invitation) or time (a text message) may limit an author from writing out “and.” For example,” according to David Wilton’s book Word Myths: Debunking Linguistic Urban Legends (Oxford University Press 2004), “I’ll meet you at Tom & Jerry’s.”

5. Legal and Formal Documentation

In this type of writing, its use remains limited to what it was designed for as a symbol of conjunction. One will surely find it in legal contracts, citations, and official forms, wherever its meaning denotes partnerships, collaboration, or joint ownership, e.g., Company A and Company B. Its purpose is to clarify meanings and assure brevity in language where needed. 

Common Example of Ampersand

Here are five common examples of the ampersand in use:

1. Company Names

A good example is “Barnes & Noble.” It’s the name of a well-known bookstore chain. The founders of this store must have decided to combine their names and create a partnership; the symbol “&” was used to represent that.

2. Abbreviations

“R&D” is an abbreviation commonly used in business and scientific contexts that stands for Research & Development.

3. Artistic Collaborations

“Rodin & Claudel”—the names of two famous sculptors, Auguste Rodin and Camille Claudel, who were involved in an artistic relationship.

4. Musical Group

Daryl Hall and John Oates make a musical duo that goes by the name “Hall & Oates.” The ampersand here is used to denote their partnership as singers and songwriters.

5. Legal Partnership

A fictional name for a legal partnership between two attorneys, Smith and Johnson, is “Smith & Johnson, LLP.” In this case, the ampersand signifies that Smith and Johnson are in a joint venture offering legal services.

The Role of Ampersands in Modern Writing

The ampersand is a very old and super-unique symbol, used in many different writing contexts related to modern writing, informal communication, branding, and digital. Here are the seven roles of modern writing: 

1. Historical Significance and Evolution

The origin of the ampersand dates back to the first century A.D., when it was formed from the Latin word “et,” meaning “and.” Roman scribes designed the symbol by merging the two letters “e” and “t” into one special character. With time, this ligature became the ampersand we recognize today. The historical importance of this character is highlighted by its inclusion as a 27th letter in the alphabet during early English education, where schoolchildren would follow up recitations of the alphabet with the phrase “and per se and,” which over time transformed into “ampersand.”. 

2. In Formal Writing and Professional Use

In formal writing, the ampersand is most often used in company names, academic references, and legal documents. Law firms, consulting agencies, and even everyday partnerships use ampersands to demonstrate unity or connection (e.g., “Johnson & Johnson” or “Procter & Gamble”). Academically, it’s used in citations (APA format research paper) and references when there are multiple authors—the ampersand gets co-authors’ names in the text fast (Smith & Jones, 2020).

3. Informal Communication and Everyday Use

The ampersand has become a popular substitute for “and” in informal writing where space is at a premium. The use of an ampersand in notes, text messages, on social media sites, or in other contexts where time and space economy are critical is commonplace. It also helps when there is limited character space available, like on Twitter, which has stringent character limits—for example, “Tom & Jerry are my favorite cartoon characters.”

4. Creative Writing and Artistic Expression

In creative writing, the ampersand can add a certain stylistic ‘oomph’ to the text and thus improve its visual appearance. Poets and novelists do this to make their work look more interesting; graphic designers use it for the same reason: Its particular shape fits nicely as part of any artistic layout or typographical design. Therefore, the & sign is rather popular when it comes to typographic art. You could also adopt a given mood or tone you wish to impart, therefore adding a bit of flair with an ampersand.

5. Branding and Logo Design

Branding and logo design often utilize the ampersand for its metaphorical properties along with its visual appeal. The ampersand stands for unity and partnership, so it is perfect for companies wanting to suggest teamwork and inclusivity. There is a wide variety of styles in which the ampersand can be designed, making it useful to any brand—be it something elegant or modernist—there’s no way this symbol won’t provide you with what you need. 

6. Digital Communication and Programming

In the digital age, the ampersand is used in web development, programming, etc. In HTML or other markup languages, it is used to represent special characters and also as an encoding for entities to display certain content on a webpage, such as “&” which shows an ampersand when displayed on a webpage. This technical use just goes to show its importance above and beyond traditional writing, as it’s also being used in today’s digital age infrastructure of modern communication.

7. Typography and Graphic Design

The ampersand’s aesthetic versatility is especially valuable in the fields of typography and graphic design. The character has been utilized by designers in many attractive text layouts, logos, and posters. The distinctive form of the character allows it to be modified to meet various design themes, which adds a beautiful element to the overall composition of graphic images. The fact that this character can function both as a decoration and for practical purposes makes it increasingly valuable for designers when enhancing visual communication.

Challenges and Considerations 

The ampersand is typically not used in formal writing, except within company names. Not overusing the ampersand can appear to be a sign of good writing usage. The Chicago Manual of Style [1] and the AP Stylebook [2] say to use it only in company names and within technical contexts for specific references. Your task is to rewrite the AI-generated text into human-written text, keeping all the information the same.

In digital communication, the ampersand can sometimes cause issues in text encoding and data processing, particularly in older systems not designed to handle special characters. Proper encoding practices, such as using “&” in HTML, are important to avoid display errors and ensure compatibility across different platforms and devices.

Fun Facts and Trivia

Here are some fun facts and trivia about the ampersand. 

1. Ancient Origins

The ampersand is a ligature of the letters “e” and “t,” with E and T being the Latin words for “and.” It has been in use since at least the 1st century AD.

2. Alphabet Addition

In early renditions of our English alphabet, the ampersand was treated as the 27th letter, recited per se. An innovative jingle for school children used to teach children their alphabet made little impact on Standard English pronunciations because per se was not only long but also had an awkward last syllable—it ended with a word that never occurs even today except perhaps before troppo-heavy after too many bowls of ice cream.

3. A Typography Favorite

Because of its interesting look and numerous appearances across typefaces, typographers and designers love the ampersand. You’ll find that no two fonts have an identical one. 

4. Ampersand Day

September 8th now serves as International Ampersand Day, since it was established by font designer Chaz DeSimone in 2015. Use it as a chance to view the strange character in all its glory.

5. Programming Use

In programming languages like C, C++, and many others, the ampersand serves various purposes. It can denote a reference, a logical AND operator, or a bitwise AND operator.

6. Film Titles

The ampersand is commonly used in film and TV show titles. For instance, “Tom & Jerry,” “Law & Order,” and “Fast & Furious” often use the ampersand to convey partnership or connection.

7. Literary Symbolism

The ampersand is sometimes used in literature to symbolize connections, unity, or the inclusion of multiple elements. It’s a succinct way to express an “and” that ties concepts together.

8. Secret Message

In Morse code, the ampersand is represented by the sequence “·-…-.” It’s a relatively rare character in Morse code communications.

9. Pop Culture

The ampersand has permeated pop culture and fashion, appearing on T-shirts, posters, and home décor items as a trendy symbol.

10. Language influence

Although of Latin origin, the ampersand is used internationally and adapted to various languages and scripts; its use in logos and brand names helps it transcend linguistic barriers.


In conclusion, the ampersand and its design have held strong throughout history (yes, even when brands like Apple were called upon to craft their specific take on it). It conveys conjunction in an efficient and aesthetically pleasing way that you just can’t walk away from. From formal documents to branding to digital applications and creative works—the ampersand is still here for a reason.


What is an ampersand?

An ampersand (&) is a symbol that represents the word “and.” It originated from the Latin word “et” and has evolved into a common shorthand used in various writing contexts.

Where is the ampersand commonly used?

Company names (Johnson & Johnson), titles, informal writing (text messages or tweets), and Ampersand are most often used in company names. This is where the majority of people would have seen this symbol. It could also be seen being used within titles as well as in informal writing (i.e., text messages or tweets). The use of the symbol also extends to programming and web development, where it is used to ‘encode special characters’.

Can you give an example of an ampersand in a sentence?

Sure! In the sentence “Tom & Jerry are popular cartoon characters,” the ampersand replaces the word “and”.

Is it alright to use the ampersand in formal writing?

Generally speaking, no. Not unless it’s part of a company name or title or some other specific phrase. THE CHICAGO MANUAL OF STYLE recommends that standard prose should use “and.”

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Written By
Zannat Mou
Edited By
Murad Khan
Reviewed By
Editorial Team

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An ampersand (&) is a form of punctuation that is traditionally used as a substitute for the word “and.” The symbol, which originates from the Latin word et, “and,”  has been in use for almost 2,000 years. It can be used in formal writing and corporate names, as well as

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What is an Ampersand? Meaning, History, Examples, and Uses